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A Great Story from Our Madeira Clinic Featured Patient – Corey Jones

Baker Chiropractic and Wellness Madeira Clinic Features Patient Corey Jones“My particular condition was Kyphosis and minor Scoliosis.  I hadn’t really been aware of any sort of problems until around junior high when I started getting mocked for having a hunch-back.  Although it affected my self esteem, it had really just been a superficial annoyance at the time and I just attributed it to being lazy and having poor posture.  As the years progressed, so did the problems and it finally reached a breaking point in the early summer of 2012 where I found myself in constant pain.  The pain was so intense that I spent the last part of June and the early part of July in bed with my laptop playing videogames because it was all I felt capable of doing.

In the fall of 2007, I went to a physical therapist twice a week for about a month or two.  After that, I was given a home care kit to do my therapy.  I was lazy and preoccupied with school, so I abandoned my therapy and over time forgot how to do it.  I mainly relied on over the counter pain killers and to a certain extent alcohol to solve my problems, which of course neither helped much.

Physically, I found myself becoming less active on a yearly basis, especially after graduating from high school.  To this day, I have yet to get my driver’s license because sitting in the driver’s seat for an extended period of time would strain my back.  The drive to work out and lead a healthy lifestyle also diminished.  At times I would find myself getting somewhat overweight and at other times, I would find myself drastically losing weight.  This would always align with shifts in my appetite, as I would either be over-eating or going several days without eating very much.  I found myself getting sick at least once every month or so.  My attitude and morale also took a downhill spiral.  I was constantly depressed to the point that I was beginning to feel suicidal and I found myself to be at constant odds with my friends and family.

A friend of my mom’s had been going to another Baker Chiropractic and Wellness location for several years and I had remembered seeing some advertisements for the office, so I decided to look into coming in.

Since becoming a patient, my life has changed in every way imaginable!  I am standing up straight, I feel ready to finally dedicate myself to getting a driver’s license, I’m working out pretty much daily, and I am able to feel changes in my lower back as well.  More importantly, and this is something that I never expected, for the first time in my life I AM TRULY HAPPY!  That may be an understatement actually, as most days I’m feeling nothing short of euphoric!  I’ve never felt closer to my family, friends, and God for that matter!  Every day feels like a gift and a blessing to me and I am filled with nothing but joy to see what every new day brings!  I’ve had several massage therapists so far and each one has been fantastic!  So much so that I can honestly say my massage appointment day is my favorite day of the week.

Dr. Matt Finke and Teresa at the Madeira office have become family to me.  I owe my life to them and it wasn’t just their knowledge or their helpfulness that helped me heal myself; it was their kindness and compassion that provided me with the drive to WANT to heal myself.  Every day when I leave that office, I leave it wanting to be better than when I entered.  I can’t imagine going anywhere else leaving with the renewed joy and energy I get from there.  I have treasured every moment at the Madeira office and I will for the rest of my life.”*

–  Corey Jones

*Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition.