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Chiropractic Care Has Been The Only Effective Treatment for My Chronic Vertigo and Neck Problems

Baker Chiropractic Patient Treated for Chronic Vertigo and Neck Problems
Dr. Kelly and Jason H.

I first visited Baker Chiropractic and Wellness about 7 months ago. I suffered with chronic vertigo and neck problems for over a year.

My ENT physician sent me for extensive medical testing. From his recommendation, I attended vestibular therapy at the hospital and began taking medications. These treatments helped very little.

I did some research and decided to try chiropractic care. I was a bit skeptical.

I met Dr. Kelly (Duffner) on my first visit to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness. He took x-rays and explained the problems with my neck and spine. He was very confident that chiropractic treatment would help me.

After two weeks of treatment, I knew my symptoms were diminishing. I first noticed that my neck no longer hurt. Also, my vertigo symptoms were less intense.

My treatment continued, and after a couple of months, I felt quite a bit better. Treatment at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness has allowed me to return to work and I continue to make progress.

Chiropractic care is the only thing that has helped relieve my symptoms. I no longer need medications.

Dr. Kelly Duffner and Dr. Patrick Baker have been great throughout my treatment and I am grateful for their help.

– Jason H.