Purpose of Chiropractic Care is Not To Remove or Reduce Pain
Science and research long ago proved Chiropractic to be best at reducing or treating pain when compared with other forms of medical treatment. However, the purpose of Chiropractic care is not to simply remove or reduce pain. A great side effect of an adjustment is that pain can be reduced or decreased entirely. Pain dissipates when the intelligence and power in the brain no longer perceives an adverse condition. Pain is felt in the brain, not the body, and understanding how pain originates becomes a key element in its elimination.
Importance of Finding Root Cause
Alleviating pain begins with finding the cause. Although simple in principle, millions of people everyday seek to treat and mask symptoms of pain rather than the origin. Chiropractors seek to find and address root causes rather than effects. The Journal of Spine serves as one of the greatest medical reference publications available. The research compared three different forms of treatment for chronic spinal pain sufferers. They compared Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatories (NSAIDs Vioxx and Celebrex), Acupuncture, and Chiropractic. The results surprised the medical community and brought clarity to the mission of Chiropractors seeking to help people understand the benefits of regular adjustments.
Chiropractic Care 5 Times Better At Alleviating Pain
The results of this particular study revealed that Chiropractic adjustments alleviated pain five times better than medications and three times better than acupuncture. The patients assigned to the group receiving Chiropractic care had experienced chronic pain for almost twice the amount of time as the subjects in the other two groups. Therefore, Chiropractic helped the people with the worst pain get better quicker than medications or acupuncture. Another important point of the study reported that 47% of the subjects receiving Chiropractic care had an improvement in their overall health while just 15% reported the same in the acupuncture group and 18% in the drug therapy group. Chiropractic long ago advocated many more benefits than simple pain relief. Improvement of the nervous system translates into a body empowered to improve overall health.
Chiropractors specialize in locating and correcting small misalignments in the spine that interfere with the central nervous system. Adjusting subluxations produces the wonderful side effect of pain alleviation and removed. The Journal of the Spine study serves as one of many professional health studies that prove the powerful benefits of a well-functioning nervous system through Chiropractic care. Unfortunately, much of the public remains unaware of the amazing benefits that Chiropractic adjustments deliver to all aspects of human performance. Despite the statistics, the majority of people take drugs for pain relief because they are marketed and sold as the solutions. A change must take place and it starts with education. The best decisions are rooted in sound research and an informed public. That philosophy drives the Chiropractor’s initiative to educate and lead communities into a better healthcare philosophy and approach.
To learn more about how our chiropractic care works and how it can help you escape pain by finding the cause of that pain, please contact us by calling (513) 561-2273 or send us a website message.