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Dr. Paul Baker

I was born and raised in Ohio along with my twin brother, Dr. Patrick Baker. Much like Dr. Patrick, my eyes were opened to the power of chiropractic care. I suffered from painful gastrointestinal problems. Our father was a doctor of osteopathic medicine and like most doctors, treated me with prescription medications. These medications treated certain symptoms of my gastrointestinal problems but they did not resolve my problem. Only after being placed in the care of our cousin who was a doctor of chiropractic was my condition properly diagnosed and treated.

Through his chiropractic care techniques and nutrition recommendations, my gastrointestinal issues were healed. Relieving that gastrointestinal pain placed my brother and me on a mission to become chiropractors.

We both became very passionate about this direction for our lives and developed a deep love and appreciation for optimal health, nutrition, and chiropractic care. This was a huge advantage for me as a competitive high school athlete and a body builder. After nearly 20 years as a doctor of chiropractic, it remains a very fulfilling and satisfying feeling to give people back their health and well being just like our cousin was able to give us. I take great pleasure and satisfaction in being a chiropractor as well as a Personal Fitness Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach.

My Professional Credentials and Memberships:

  • Palmer College of Chiropractic
  • Personal Trainer
  • Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Microscopy Certified
  • Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation Certified Doctor
  • Member, Ohio State Chiropractic Association
  • Member, American Chiropractic Association
  • Member, International Chiropractic Association
  • Co-Author (with Dr. Patrick Baker) of the series of books: World’s Best Kept Secrets
  • Co-Author (With Dr. Patrick Baker) of the book: What Did I Just Eat? Surprising Facts About Food
  • Co-Author (With Dr. Patrick Baker) of the book: Enlightening, Adjusting and Saving Live

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