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Dr. Rick Sharchenko

Dr. Richard Sarchenko is a 2012 graduate of Logan College of Chiropractic in Missouri. He grew up in Michigan and has always had a love for learning and for fixing things. He had a strong foundation in construction arts and engineering before he made the decision to become a Chiropractor.                          
Dr. Sarchenko experienced the benefits of Chiropractic in his own life after spending numerous years in and out of the hospital as a young adult after a work-related injury with heavy metal toxicity. During that time, he had 2 to 3 allopathic (medical) doctor visits weekly. He was on 15 different medications with very large doses that only affected him in a negative way. His condition kept getting worse and was greatly decreasing the quality of his and his family’s lives. He became fed up with this allopathic approach of medicine that emphasizes prescription drugs and surgeries as the solution to most problems. He found that this was only treating the symptoms and that the side effects from these drugs and surgeries were only making him in worse shape than before.
Over time he realized the difference between sickness-care and healthcare.He also realized that if he wanted to find health, he needed to find a doctor that specialized in health. He found pain relief and a new lease on life through the treatment and advice of his chiropractors. Over time he was able to get off all of the medications and allow his body to heal naturally, the way it was designed to. Experiencing these positive changes first hand, helped him realize how amazing the body is. He decided to pursue Chiropractic as a career to be able to help lead others to a better quality of life, naturally. He offers this same hope and understanding to his patients and their families now.