Hi. I’m Michael DiSalvo, one of Dr Patrick Baker’s patients, and I’m writing because he wanted me to tell you a story and let you know a bit about the Pain Free Project.
When I say I’m a patient at Baker Chiropractic, I’m not saying that I hurt my back, went for a few adjustments, and then got better. What I’m saying is I’ve been sick for over 25 years, deathly ill at times. In fact, just five weeks ago I couldn’t walk even after being in the hospital for a special treatment. Not even after I filled myself with every medication that a sane rheumatologist could legally prescribe! Today, that 25 years of crippling pain and incapacitation is now over, thanks be to God, Dr Patrick Baker, and a couple other amazing natural doctors.
But that’s actually not the story I wanted to tell you.
What I’d actually like to tell you about is something I would not have believed unless I saw it for myself. I’ve been told my own condition is incurable, but I’ve still been able to pass many times for being “normal”. Instead, I’d like to tell you about someone I met who could not pass off for “normal”, not even close....
You see, at one point, when the pain in my body was much more systemic, deeper to the core of my being, so that I felt I was at the brink of death, I went to what is called an ayurvedic hospital in the south of India.
I’m not going to lie: it was basically a dungeon.
They put me in the basement. With oils being burned for many years, every wall was like one big smudge. The rooms wreaked of all sorts of oils and spices mixed together with the sweat of the tropical climate. And I was on a “medication vacation” at the time (no meds in order to let the herbal remedies work): but not a happy camper.
But there were moments of brightness, and even inspiration. Sure, some of the herbs and spices helped me, and even for some moments took away my pain– almost entirely. But the moments of relief I experienced paled in comparison to the sort of relief this woman went through.
You see, she lost her face.
Not literally, of course, but her whole composure. Suffering from MS, a painful disease, the entire left side of her face collapsed from paralysis, so that her friends didn’t even recognize her when they saw her. My wife and I actually saw this for ourselves half way through the treatment and her face was still distorted. She wore sunglasses to not scare anyone.
But it turns out those herbs and spices did complete the cure: this woman left the hospital with no more weakness in her face, no distortion, no paralysis, no MS, NO PAIN.
She was healed!
I remember just being dumbstruck for days about the millions and millions of dollars spent to find a “cure” for MS: the marathons, the telethons, the stem cell this, the stem cell that, when it could be healed for a couple of hundred bucks and a simple diet with a few ounces of herbal oil well massaged into her body.
Remembering that simple diet we were all on at the time, and how I made a final tweak to my own diet before my own life-changing breakthrough, I now finally understand what Hippocrates really meant when he said, “Let your food be your medicine”.
I didn’t used to believe that food (including herbs) could be that powerful, it didn’t seem possible. But I now know differently.
Of course, this is a big reason I want you to be part of Cincinnati’s Pain Free Project. I’m sure you’ll agree with me how eating habits largely determine the state of your health. Those of us who have squandered our health have to be even more careful than the average person, but there is hope if you have a real plan.
Have you ever dreaded the trip to Lowe’s or Costco or even Jungle Jim’s because you knew the concrete floor would tear up your back? Have you ever known the embarrassment of needing someone to help get you out of bed, or even get you out of your own car?
Or the exasperation of kinda sorta “sleeping”, hoping exhaustion will simply shut you down so you can functional the next day? Or have to choose between destroying your stomach and nerves on one hand with toxic meds or simply hoping the pain and muscle spasms will let up enough so you can push through another day?
This is why I’d like YOU to join in our Pain Free Project today. Pain can be tough. Many of us end up being zombies or happily taking on two or three diseases to get rid of the first pain-wracked one (after all, we’re all supposed to die or diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, right?).
Sadly, modern illnesses from overmedication and substandard diets are not our only issue.
The stats also tell us that drugs like methadone are increasing exponentially, increasing in its use by 1000% in the last decade alone, with hundreds of deaths occurring in our area alone from overdose.
Of course, on the other side of things, If you can take the pain, great.
Pain has real value when we let it form our character, when it makes us humble, when it makes us brave. Heck, I even named my daughter Lydwina after a saint who did nothing in her life but suffer.
But I think we need more wounded healers— those who have gotten back on the path to wellness and who can share that same gift with others. And this is why the Pain Free Project is a great opportunity.
So what is the Pain Free Project?
It’s actually a really fun sweepstakes where not only do you have a chance to share some healing superfoods with friends and family who really need you help, it’s also a chance to win some really great prizes that will help you meet your own health goals.
It’s free to enter and I think you will not only be able to help yourself, but many other people if you give a couple of the tips a crack (no adjustment required, but consult your favorite chiropractic physician just to check) : )
So don’t wait any longer, enter free today (and good luck!). CLICK HERE TO ENTER CONTEST!
To Your Health,
Michael DiSalvo
Coconut Country Living