I was bound to a wheel chair and a walker since March of last year. I couldn’t walk or put any weight on my right leg. When I tried it would just give out. My leg just wouldn’t support my weight. I couldn’t even drive my car because my right leg wouldn’t work well enough to push the gas pedal and the brake.
The pain in my back and leg was so bad I would rate it a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10.
I had been to 5 medical doctors: Different orthopedics doctors who both said they couldn’t help me; my regular medical doctor who said I had to live with it; and my oncologist who said, “I just don’t know what to do for you.” So after 5 doctors said they couldn’t help me, I was lost.
Then one day Kathy, a patient of Dr. Patrick Baker, said I had to see him. Kathy told me Dr. Baker has helped many patients with peripheral neuropathy and a pinched sciatic nerve. So I made an appointment and consulted with Dr. Patrick Baker.
Dr. Baker performed an initial examination. A nerve scan showed I had multiple areas of subluxation, and x-rays confirmed it. I was put on a treatment program to correct my subluxations.
To my amazement I went from a wheelchair, to a walker, to a cane and now I do not need anything at all to walk!
The results I have seen are amazing. Just not having to use a cane is unbelievable.
When I first consulted with Dr. Baker I never thought I would ever walk without some kind of walking device.
For the first time since March 2015, I was recently able to drive to Dr. Baker’s office myself for my chiropractic adjustment. Before this, I had to rely on someone to bring me to the office. What a relief it is now to be able to drive myself.
Today my pain is virtually gone and I’m improving with every continued chiropractic adjustment.
I can’t thank Dr. Patrick Baker and his amazing staff enough. You helped me get my life back!*
– Carol L.
*Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition.