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Have You Thrown These Away?

Hi. It’s Michael again. Wanted to remind you this is the last day to enter the Pain Free Project’s Superfood Contest.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve learned some amazing things in the last few years about pain.  But what’s really inspired me the most is seeing people who were very sick transform their lives.  So much so that they threw away their meds.

Honestly, some things really seem beyond our control.  From affairs in the Middle East to riots and protests to economic misfortunes, sometimes you can only do so much.

But amazing people have proved over and over again that the our bodies can be rebalanced.

It really seemed like the beginning of my own healing journey when I saw my first example of a stunning transformation based on diet.

The man, interestingly enough, was the son of a chiropractor when he got so sick at college that despite his father’s interventions he found himself at death’s door.  His path to recovery actually started with dirt.

Dirt and a well balanced superfood oriented diet changed him from this:
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To this

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Within two years.

Granted, some of us have great diets and need consistent chiropractic care to meet our goals, but for him, it was definitely the diet.

My question for you is where do YOU see yourself in two years?  

Though I’ve customized my own diet a lot since reading about Dr Rubin’s journey, still he has helped thousands of people in pain, just like the doctors at Baker Chiropractic.

But you have that ability too.

Will you take Dr Rubin’s advice, Patient, Heal Thyself? Or will you let yourself get worse and harbor regrets for not doing something about it sooner?

I hope you answered the former rather than the latter so you take our Pain Free Challenge and spread the word about healing superfoods today. YOU can be the next Dr Rubin, or even just a Michael DiSalvo on the way to recovery. Click HERE To Enter today (it’s free, really!).