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Neurocardiogenic Syncope

Cincinnati Neurocardiogenic Syncope Relief

Neurocardiogenic Syncope

Cincinnati Neurocardiogenic Syncope Relief

What is Neurocardiogenic Syncope?

Neurocardiogenic Syncope, also commonly referred to as vasovagal syncope, is the most common cause of fainting. It is a general feeling of discomfort and uneasiness that occurs when the part of the nervous system that controls heart rate and blood pressure malfunctions in response to various triggers, such as extreme strain, stress or pain. The general sensation of not feeling well is quickly followed by fainting.
As with many types of health conditions, neurocardiogenic syncope is a condition that develops due to the nervous system not working properly, specifically the vagus nerve. Neurocardiogenic syncope or vasovagal syncope can affect people of all ages, but is particularly common in young women.

At Baker Chiropractic and Wellness, we’ve been helping patients identify and decrease neurocardiogenic syncope and its associated fainting for over 20 years. Using our safe and effective chiropractic care, we have earned a trusted reputation for providing our patients with solutions for neurocardiogenic syncope. Please contact us at (513) 561-2273 or Schedule an Appointment here on our website. We may be able to help you too!


Causes of Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Vasovagal Syncope

Neurocardiogenic syncope and vasovagal syncope typically are caused by certain stresses, strains or pain that lead to anxiety. An interference with the normal function of the nervous system (known as a subluxation) allows the stress, strain or pain to cause a drop in blood pressure and heart rate which reduces blood circulation to the brain. When that happens, it can lead to fainting and loss of consciousness.

Symptoms of Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Vasovagal Syncope

Neurocardiogenic syncope and vasovagal syncope almost always occur when a person is standing. It is much less common when seated or lying down.

The first signs of the condition are discomfort and uneasiness. They are followed by nausea, paleness, sweating, dizziness and a rapid heart rate. Fainting will usually follow within minutes. After the fainting, heart rate may slow and the person may feel flush and disoriented.

Our Approach To Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Vasovagal Syncope

The practice of chiropractic health care focuses on the health and optimal function of the body’s nervous system. Doctors of chiropractic are highly trained and skilled with identifying and treating problems with the nerves of the human body and associated conditions such as neurocardiogenic syncope and vasovagal syncope.

The best part about chiropractic care is that it does not use injections with needles (a frequent cause of fainting), prescription drugs or surgery to treat neurocardiogenic syncope. It’s completely safe and very effective.

Find a Resolution for Your Fainting Just Like this Patient Did

Here’s what one of our patients has to say about how we helped her with her neurocardiogenic syncope:

“I first came to Doc because of continual back pain. At my consultation I mentioned that I have a condition the doctors have labeled neurocardiogenic syncope, which causes me to faint frequently. I had never met anyone who had experience with this until Doc informed me that he has handled patients with this: he was sure he could help. I can’t say that I believed him right away, but that has changed!

One Sunday I had two episodes and continued to suffer from vertigo and pain into Monday. I went to Doc’s that afternoon and in just one adjustment my dizziness subsided! He sent me for a massage, where his staff eased a lot of the pain and the headache. I was amazed and so thankful!” – Stacey Dickman

Life doesn’t have to be lived with the uncertainty of fainting episodes caused by neurocardiogenic syncope. Please give us a call at (513) 561-2273 or Schedule an Appointment at one of our four Cincinnati area office locations.

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