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I’ve Found Hope Again for My Severe Migraines. It’s So Different Than Popping Pills and Crossing My Fingers Something Will Work.

Claire Brown and Dr. Joe Fields
Dr. Joe Fields and Claire Brown

I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness for severe migraines but I also have IBS and a history with RSD.

I’ve suffered with migraines for 11 years. In the past 2 to 3 years they’ve been more severe and increasingly constant to the point that I can’t remember what it’s like to not have a headache and to feel fully present and focused.

I’ve taken innumerable medications from the time I was 12 years old. I went through every migraine medicine out there and have gone through the gamut again in the past two years. I take 75mg TOPOMAX® daily (a seizure medication), 40mg RELPAX® with the onset of a migraine and I get 40 BOTOX® injections every three months.  My body keeps getting used to the medicine and I hate the side effects, so it’s not ideal. I resorted to leaving my job and resting to try and heal quicker.

I couldn’t enjoy anything I wanted to do – walking my dog, hiking or riding bikes with my husband. I can’t count the number of wedding receptions we’ve had to leave early because of my migraines.

I sought chiropractic care 2 years ago, but the chiropractor I went to did not do corrective care and his approach had no results. When I first came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness in September, I was very skeptical until I learned about their corrective care approach.

Today, I have hope again! My migraines are still healing but for the first time I feel like I’m on a team with my doctor. Dr. Joe (Fields) doesn’t write prescriptions and say, “Be patient”. He invests in the whole health of his patients and takes their healing personally. I love having a home regimen to work on outside of my adjustments. It’s so different than popping pills and hoping something works.

If it weren’t for Baker Chiropractic and Wellness, I would be seeing more doctors, filling more prescriptions and losing hope that I could ever escape the migraines. I constantly worry about how all the medications I’ve taken in the past will impact me in the long run.

Every doctor I’ve been to before now is trying to treat us from the outside in, but Baker Chiropractic and Wellness is looking at the inside first – where the problem starts. They are not just any chiropractor. They really invest in you and your whole health.

I can’t recommend them highly enough!*

– Claire Brown 

*Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition.