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My Hiatal Hernia Caused My Stomach To Move All the Way Up Past My Diaphragm. After Coming To Baker Chiropractic I Have Greatly Improved

Hiatal Hernia Patient John W.
Dr. Garrett Knuckles and John W.

I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness after being coerced by my daughter. I was quite skeptical and only going for her. But, at 82 years old I was told by my regular medical doctor that surgery was too dangerous for me for one, because of my age and two, because I have two leaky heart valves. Not wanting to give up, she found others mention relief with chiropractic care.

My diagnosis was a large hiatal hernia. This was first discovered 40+ years ago, however, most recently my stomach had moved all the way up past my diaphragm and was pressing against one of my lungs causing it to be caved in at least 50%. This made it very hard to do much of anything anymore. I struggled with shortness of breath, walking and just living everyday life as I was accustom to. Eating resulted in immediate discomfort with gas, belching and indigestion. I was unable to do anything for at least ½ hour after eating.

My medical doctor said my hiatal hernia was the largest hiatal hernia he had ever seen. 3-4 years ago I was able to walk 8 miles almost daily. Now, I was unable to walk a block or go up one flight of stairs without being completely out of breath.

After approximately 3 treatments at Baker Chiropractic I could notice a substantial improvement and decided to continue therapy. My daughter said she noticed the very next time we ate together. I am not completely healed and due to age and the severity of the hernia, I still have symptoms. However, they are greatly improved and I am able to better function in life and have more comfort. I can breathe easier and eating is not near as miserable and something that stops me in my tracks.

Though not walking miles as I used to, I am able to walk much more comfortably and not have as much difficulty in my breathing.

Thank you Baker Chiropractic and Wellness!*

– John W.

*Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition.