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Learn How to be Healthy for the Holidays

Healthy for the Holidays Workshop at Baker Chiropractic and WellnessLearn how to be healthy this holiday season by joining the doctors at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness on December 12th for their “Healthy for the Holidays” free workshop.

Dr. Matt Finke will be hosting this workshop at his Madeira clinic located at 7907 Euclid Drive in Madeira from 7:00PM- 8:00PM, Dr. Patrick Baker will be hosting the workshop at his Fairfield clinic located at 675 Deis Drive in Fairfield from 7:00PM-8:00PM and Dr. Ryan Berlin will be hosting the workshop at his West Chester clinic located at 7554 Voice of America Drive in West Chester from 7:00PM – 8:00PM.  To RSVP for this free event, please click on one of the following:


To RSVP for the Fairfield Clinic, please click this link:

To RSVP for the Madeira Clinic, please click this link:

To RSVP for West Chester Clinic, please click this link:


There are more heart attacks and lifestyle-driven fatalities during the holidays than any other time in the year. Learn how you can avoid the stress and enjoy the season.

“There are six top joy stealers during the holidays,” said Dr. Patrick Baker. “Through lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition, exercise and nerve supply you can transform this season into a progressive time for your health and relationships!”