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Make Walking Fun. It's Good For You!

benefits of walking for healthYou’ve probably heard about the many health benefits of walking.

There are a number of ways to make walking fun, lose weight and reap these wonderful health benefits!

Consider these walking recommendations:

Ask a Friend To Join You

Exercise is always more fun when you have a friend along – and you may not even notice how far you’re gone or how long you’ve been walking when you’re engaged in conversation.

Take the Dog

Put your dog on a leash and let him/her take the lead. You’ll both get more fit.

Make Walking a Game

Take an uncharted path or walk until you see five “For Sale” signs. Play a new game every day.

Walk to Music

Take along an MP3 player and walk to the music. Speed it up to a fast song and slow it down a bit to a ballad.

Go Window Shopping

Not only will you save money – you’ll get some great exercise as well!

If Weather Gets Too Hot or Too Cold

Head to an indoor shopping center with air conditioning or heat. Walk along each level and take the stairs – no escalators or elevators!

Enjoy a Book

Get an audio book. You’ll be looking forward to each day’s chapter as you get in shape.

Change The Times When You Walk

Prevent walking from becoming too routine by changing the times that you walk. Walk in the morning one day, lunch break another or after dinner.

Reward Yourself

Monetary or other – to make walking rewarding as more than just exercise!

Walking can be fun and great exercise to relieve stress, to lose or maintain weight and to give yourself a feeling of accomplishment.

Learn more by calling us at (513) 561-2273 or contact us at any time via our website.