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No More Pain, No More Pills, No More Insulin Injections

Baker Chiropractic and Wellness Patient Barb Schorr No Longer Needs Insulin Injections for Diabetes
Barb Schorr and Dr. Matt Finke

Many years ago my daughter hurt her back picking up her French horn and we needed to call the paramedics (she was flat on her back.) The paramedics who responded said “Take her to Dr. Matt!” After a visit to the emergency room and some muscle relaxers, I took her to Dr. Matt Finke the next day. Soon I was visiting Dr. Matt on my own for a fall that happened 12 years ago. I fell out of my daughter’s car and hurt my tailbone. Dr. Matt treated me right up!

I originally went to Dr. Matt because of my fall. Within just a few adjustments he had me feeling back to normal. Underlying that problem was diabetes I have had for several years. My blood sugar would usually be high, but sometimes low, causing me to panic and fill up on carbs, overcompensating.

My medical doctor started me on several pills for diabetes, including those for high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Then, earlier this year I began taking insulin, two shots per day. With the meal plans he and a nutritionist had me follow, the exercise I was getting, and the pills I was taking, I didn’t see any improvement in my blood sugar levels. I was always counting carbs, planning, and avoiding foods. It wasn’t fun.

Since I had to watch and count everything I ate, I wasn’t very happy. I was depressed and couldn’t see any way out of my situation, so I was given a pill for it. The doctor said he was doing everything he could.

Now, I feel wonderful! Within four days of beginning the advanced meal plan, I was able to discontinue my two insulin shots each day! I have been on the plan now for 2-1/2 weeks and lost 12 pounds! I have also been able to discontinue the arthritis pills I was taking for my hands! I no longer have to count carbs and know exactly what I can and can’t eat right now.

In the past, my medical doctor said I could have “some” carbs, but I find that right now, I can’t have ANY, at least nothing that my body will turn into sugar. I believe that will change once I am at a healthy point, but right now I KNOW WHAT TO DO!

I think chiropractic care makes a lot of sense and I am sold! The two times I have gone to Dr. Matt for pain, it was completely decreased within a couple of adjustments. Now that I have him working on my entire health and I have seen such rapid results, I am more convinced than ever!

I am excited to see what the future holds and how quickly I can decrease all of my pills! Dr. Matt is a wonderful, caring man…a friend to everyone who comes into his office. The staff is just as great!

Jacqueline, Krista, and Catherine all have the “I’m glad to see you and I am interested in YOU” attitude. They make me feel welcome and always use my name. I was under no pressure at all to start the program, but what I was doing before wasn’t giving the results I wanted and this plan made sense to me. I am so thankful for Dr. Matt and the staff!*

– Barb Schorr

*Please note, there is no guarantee of specific results with our care and results may vary. Please contact us to discuss your specific condition.