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Our Chiropractic Care Helps Joyce Keep Checking Off The Items on Her Bucket List

Baker Chiropractic Joyce Smith Safari Photo
Joyce on Safari in Africa

“Who has the courage to travel alone at the age of 76?

Here I am in East Africa on a safari. Yes, I’m 76, healthy and traveling alone.

If you had asked me that 10 years ago, I would have said, “Not me, never”!

At that time, I couldn’t sit for any extended length of time, let alone fly 22 hours half way across this earth. But, with the help of Dr. Baker, my health issues are pretty much behind me.

You can see for yourself that my weekly spinal adjustments following two unsuccessful back surgeries have paid off.

I’m giving Baker Chiropractic and Wellness a big thumbs up!

Where next?

Asia or Australia are on my bucket list for 2018!”

Joyce S.