Our Current Featured Patient is Jared Fox. Like many of our patients, Jason turned to us after other health care professionals failed to resolve his family’s health problems. Here’s Jared’s story:
In April of 2010 I suffered from major low back pain. So much so that I had to walk bent over to be somewhat comfortable. I was referred to Doctor Baker by a fellow co-worker. I scheduled my appointment and in I went. Little did I know this would be a life-changing event not only for me but my entire family. Besides low back pain I also suffered from dizziness, blurred vision and chronic muscle fatigue and tightness. After months of prior research I secretly believed I had MS. Well, at least that’s what all the symptoms on web MD told me.
After my first visit I felt immediate relief. After only a month of adjustments at three times week and lower back exercises given by Dr. Bakers staff, my episodes of blurred vision, dizziness and muscle fatigue seemed to literally disappear. Oh yeah….. I was walking tall!
Later that year my youngest son was diagnosed with his 9th ear infection. I made Dr. Baker aware of the situation and he immediately said he could help. After several conversations with my wife she felt very uncomfortable having our nine month old adjusted. So…….we were referred by his pediatrician to have tubes put in his ears. After only two weeks his ear infections were back. We hated seeing our little guy in pain. My wife finally agreed to have him evaluated by Dr. Baker. That week we brought both of our sons in. After only one adjustment his ear infection was gone. Both my sons have now been seeing Dr. Baker for several months. Still no ear infections and my six year old has excelled drastically in his sports.
Dr. Baker not only helped my entire family regain our health, he taught me how eat clean and exercise correctly. In only four short months I lost 50lbs, 5 inches off my waist and went from 33% body fat to 18%. I also was finally able to do my first pull up of my adult life. Sad but true!
Dr. Baker is not your average Doctor. He goes above and beyond and practices what he preaches. I am glad to have found his wonderful practice. I personally feel that not only have I found the BEST doctor out there but I have also gained a great friend and mentor. I recommend everyone I know to him. I have learned that traditional medicine such as painkillers and antibiotics are NOT the answer. I believe in everything this man preaches.
Don’t just make one visit and hope it helps. Continue on with his health maintenance plan and you will be a new person. I know I am!!You will enjoy every visit with him and his incredible staff. Thank you again to Baker Family Chiropractic!!