Matty Patton had been living in the confining grips of asthma nearly his entire life. Like many children who suffer from asthma, he was relying on inhalers and a long list of medications. A friend who is a patient at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness made a recommendation to Matty’s mom that she should take Matty to see Dr. Matt Finke. Here’s Matty’s story:
Matty has had life-long asthma. He was diagnosed at one year old after he passed out from having trouble breathing. He couldn’t run around like an average child without throwing up to the point of passing out. He also suffered from speech delay, which led to a lot of tears because no one could understand him when he tried to talk.
Matty has had to have his throat scoped and at certain points in his life he has been on as many as twelve (12) different medications a day! Nothing he was on ever provided enough relief to let him play with his brothers. He has been in speech therapy since he was nine (9) months old, with mild improvement over the past two and a half years.
Matty wasn’t able to run, jump, or even play without having a severe asthma attack. Most of the time, this would lead to a trip to the emergency room because he would faint from throwing up so violently. We had to limit how much he could play because of how bad his asthma was.
We were referred to Dr. Matt by a friend who is a patient at another one of the Baker locations. She kept encouraging me to visit to see if there was anything that could be done to help Matty.
Within one week of being adjusted, Matty’s speech improved in such a major way! He no longer had chronic fluid in his ears, and therefore his hearing improved dramatically! His speech went from minimal to explosive within the first two weeks of being adjusted! At the same time, he was running around and playing hard! We thought about stopping him from being so active, but we decided to see how he did. That night he played harder than he ever had before, and for the first time in his life he didn’t need his rescue inhaler! Since visiting Dr. Matt, we have not used his rescue inhaler once! Prior to Matty getting adjusted regularly, we were using his rescue inhaler at least once a week every week.
Everyone in the office has been so friendly and has taken the time to answer all of our questions. We feel like Dr. Matt has given Matty a new life! We finally feel like Matty has a chance to have a normal life. He can do everything kids his age can do and more! We are so grateful for the wonderful changes that we have seen in Matty!