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Our Focus for August: Back-to-School and Sciatica

August 2014 message from Dr. Paul and Dr. Patrick
Dr. Patrick Baker and Dr. Paul Baker

Happy August!

Summer is flying by quickly. Before you know it, school bells will be ringing and the leaves will start to change.

The beginning of August is a perfect time to schedule an appointment for your students and get them MAXIMIZED for the upcoming school year.

Heavy backpacks and the different types of stress being in the school environment once again can wreak havoc on the spine and nervous system.

Keeping your student’s spine properly aligned and his or her nervous system healthy will optimize their immune systems. It also helps your student perform at peak levels in the classroom and out!

Schedule your student’s Back-to-School appointment by calling us at (513) 561-2273 or schedule here from our website.

We’re always on a mission to educate you about your health and how to escape pain. This month is no different.  We will be focusing on sciatica and sciatic pain during the month of August.

We want to show you how to escape sciatic pain and prevent it from returning.

Here’s how you can learn more about sciatica and why our chiropractic care is so effective in relieving sciatic pain:

1. Doc Talk with the Bakers TV Show – Saturday, August 2nd at 9:45AM on FOX19

The next segment of our new TV show, Doc Talk with the Bakers will be focusing on sciatica.

We will teach you about sciatica and answer viewer questions about sciatic pain.

Tune in to FOX19 tomorrow at 9:45 AM immediately following the FOX19 Saturday Morning News to watch.

2. Half Hour to Health TV Infomercial

Why is our chiropractic care so safe and effective with sciatica?

Watch our infomercial Half Hour to Health and find out why. This 30-minute program has been airing on TV throughout the Cincinnati area since the beginning of the year. It educates people on how and why chiropractic care is so effective for a wide variety of health conditions (including sciatica) and features real-life stories from patients of all ages and from all walks of life.

You can watch Half Hour to Health by tuning into FOX19 on:

August 9th at 3:00PM

August 16th at 12:00 noon

August 23rd at 3:30PM

August 30th at 1:00PM.

You can also view Half Hour to Health on our website by visiting this link:
or watch on YouTube:

3. What Our Patients Say About Relieving Their Sciatica

It’s our focus and our mission to get people out of pain and on the road to health and wellness. Results are the true test to determine if our chiropractic care is the solution for sciatic pain.

Here’s an example of what our patients say:

“I walked into Baker Chiropractic with a sciatic pain attack from a compressed disc.  I thought I would never recover.  I have never experienced pain like this.  The pain was worse than labor pains! 

Dr. Paul Baker told me with treatment I would get better.  I had a friend that had an attack the same time as I and to date is still in pain and considering surgery.

So back to my story, Dr. Paul gave me my treatment four times a week which included adjustments and massage therapy.

I can tell you that I was unable to sit, stand, walk or lay on my side when I first came to Dr. Paul.  Five weeks later, I was doing all of these things.

My nerves calmed down, my inflammation was reduced and all without pain or muscle relaxers.  My treatment plan was the key.

I would recommend Dr. Paul, Baker Chiropractic and the entire staff to anyone.  Without this group of caring people, I would probably have had an unnecessary surgery at a high expense.

Thank God for Baker Chiropractic!”

–         Phyllis Holliman

Read more testimonials by visiting the following link:

4. Ask Us Questions About Sciatica!

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about how we can help, ask us your questions and we will respond promptly!

Call us at (513) 561-CARE (2273) or send us a message here from our website.

We will answer your question and we may even use your question on our Doc Talk with the Bakers TV Show.

When it comes to sciatica, educate yourself, learn what others say about their experience with our chiropractic care and then contact us to see how we will help you.

Yours Truly in Health and Wellness,
Dr. Paul and Dr. Patrick
