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Our Focus in September: Sports Injuries and Answers for Spinal Disc Problems

Sports Injuries and Disc ProblemsHappy September!

Summer is drawing to a close, school is back in session and football season, along with many other popular fall sports, are underway.

This is the time of year when we start seeing a lot of athletes in our clinics for sports related injuries. We understand how important it is to recover from an injury and get back in the game. After all, many of us here at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness either have or do participate in competitive sports. We help athletes of all ages without using dangerous prescription drugs or risky surgery.

Learn more about how effective our chiropractic care is for sports related injuries by visiting the following link:

If you or a member of your family has been injured playing a sport, please give us a call at (513) 561-2273 or schedule an appointment from our website. We will do everything we can to keep you playing or keep your recovery period as short as possible.

We’re always on a mission to educate you about your health and how to escape pain. This month is no different. We will be focusing on spinal disc problems like slipped discs, herniated discs, ruptured discs and disc degeneration during the month of September.

We want to show you how to escape disc problems and prevent them from returning.

Here’s how you can learn more about spinal disc problems and why our chiropractic care is so effective in relieving these types of problems:

1. Doc Talk with the Bakers TV – Saturday, September 6th at 9:45AM on FOX19

DOC TALK WITH THE BAKERSThe next segment of our new TV show, Doc Talk with the Bakers will be focusing on spinal disc problems.

We will teach you about a variety of disc problems and answer viewer questions.

Tune in to FOX19 on September 6, 2014 at 9:45 AM immediately following the FOX19 Saturday Morning News to watch.

2. Half Hour to Health TV Infomercial

Half Hour to Health with Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick BakeWhy is our chiropractic care so safe and effective with disc problems?

Watch our infomercial Half Hour to Health and find out why. This 30-minute program has been airing on TV throughout the Cincinnati area since the beginning of the year. It educates people on how and why chiropractic care is so effective for a wide variety of health conditions (including disc problems) and features real-life stories from patients of all ages and from all walks of life.

You can view Half Hour to Health on our website by visiting this link:

or watch on YouTube:

3. What Our Patients Say About Relieving Their Disc Problems:

It’s our focus and our mission to get people out of pain and on the road to health and wellness. Results are the true test to determine if our chiropractic care is the solution for disc problems.

Here’s an example of what our patients say:

Baker Chiropractic and Wellness Fairfield Ohio Patient Ken Rice“ I thought I strained something and with some rest, it would be ok. The pain didn’t go away. So I went to my primary care physician, They took x-rays and sent me to a neurosurgeon. He said I had a herniated disc and we would try epidural injections. I went thru a series of those with little or no results, all the time remaining in almost unbearable pain. I couldn’t stand walk or lie down without the pain. I was desperate for some relief and I didn’t know where to turn.

A wonderful friend that goes to our church (Geneva Lewis) begged me to go see Dr. Patrick Baker. This was approximately 2 months after I had injured my back. The day of the appointment I could barely walk into the office. I was slumped over and the pain was obvious on my face. Dr. Baker’s staff greeted me and took me right back and did x-rays and scanned my back. Dr. Patrick said, “Mr. Rice, we are going to help you.” He adjusted me and when I got up off that table I was standing straight and my pain was decreased by 40%. I could not believe what one visit did for my pain.

With every visit to Dr. Patrick Baker’s office, my back continued to improve until I was pain free!”

– Ken Rice

Read more testimonials by visiting the following link:

4. Ask Us Questions About Disc Problems!

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about how we can help, ask us your questions and we will respond promptly!

Call us at (513) 561-CARE (2273) or send us a message here from our website.

We will answer your question and we may even use your question on our Doc Talk with the Bakers TV Show.

When it comes to disc problems, educate yourself, learn what others say about their experience with our chiropractic care and then contact us to see how we will help you.

Have a great month!

Yours Truly in Health and Wellness,

Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker discuss headaches
Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker