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Proof There Is Still Hope, Even After 2 Unsuccessful Spinal Surgeries

Our current Featured Patient is Joyce Smith.  Joyce had underwent 2 spinal surgeries but still suffered from chronic back pain. She then turned to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness and found answers for her pain. Here’s Joyce’s story:


To awake in the morning and go through the entire day without a conscious thought of lower back pain, could be considered a miracle for me. Having lived with chronic back pain most of my adult life;  having had two major spinal surgeries (including physical therapy) and possibly facing a third, my son Kent encouraged me to try chiropractic help from Dr. Baker before I went under the knife again.

Reluctantly, I agreed and began therapy about a year and a half ago. It was slow progress in the beginning with three visits a week. Eventually, the sessions decreased to two and finally once a week. Over the past year, I have had minor set backs (but bounce back more quickly) mostly due to excessive exercise or long distance walking. Dr. Baker discovered that my arches were breaking down and prescribed orthotics for my walking shoes. What a difference this has made!

My quality of life has so changed!! What Dr. Baker has done to enhance and improve it is beyond words. My bucket list has increased twofold: so far this year, I bought that little red convertible (makes me feel 25 years younger), traveled on my own to locations that some can only dream about and plan to do lots more before I reach 100.

Kudos to you Dr. Baker and your team of excellent caring staff!