As we all know, health care costs in the United States continue to increase at staggering rates. The expense of health care insurance premiums and the amount of deductibles goes up, while the amount of coverage and benefits goes down.
Recent changes to national health care laws have both employers and employees uneasy about how much more health care costs are going to rise. For many, the costs have reached such lofty heights, they simple cannot afford it, whether they are forced to obtain health care coverage or not.
For over 20 years, people have been seeking our chiropractic care as an alternative to traditional medicine after their medical care failed to resolve their health problem. After months or even years of having to endure the pain and discomfort of trial and error treatments along with a variety of different medications or surgery, people turned to us for answers. They grew tired of living with the same health problem day after day, taking expensive prescription drugs that caused all types of side effects and watching their medical bills grow
Our book, Enlightening, Adjusting and Saving Lives is filled with story after story from patients who came to us as a last resort, but were pleasantly surprised by our chiropractic care and what it did for them. These patients spent tens of thousands of dollars on health care treatments, medications and surgeries that provided no improvements and no resolutions.
(If you would like to receive a free copy of our book and read these patients stories, please visit the following link. Request Free Copy of Our Book)
Today, individuals and families are coming to our chiropractic clinics not only for solutions when traditional medical care has failed, but to make us their primary health care provider. They simply cannot afford traditional medical care and turned to our chiropractic care for its affordability.
While they may have came to us due to our affordability, these patients are finding they are healthier and do not get sick as often with common illnesses likes colds and flu as a result of our routine care.
A study by Johns Hopkins University reports the annual cost of chronic pain in the U.S. is approximately $635 Billion.
How do we drastically reduce this out-of-control cost?
From our nearly 20 years of experience, we believe the answer lies with chiropractic care. We focus on wellness and optimizing the human body to prevent injuries and illnesses that cause pain. Our patients who receive regular chiropractic care and follow our lifestyle guidance are simple not getting injured and sick as frequently. Therefore, they do not have to endure excessive pain. If they do become injured or sick, we help them recover quickly without the need for expensive prescription medications.
A study by the University of Washington published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reports spending on back pain in the U.S. exceeds $86 Billion each year. The study shows medical costs associated with back pain have risen 65% in the past decade, primarily as a result of prescribing more medications, increased use of expensive diagnostics tests like MRI’s and more surgeries. A significant portion of this huge increase is the medications being prescribed for back pain. Pharmaceutical spending for back pain increased 171% during the last ten years alone.
What’s even more astonishing than the huge increase in back pain related costs is the finding in the study that people with spine problems actually felt worse!
What’s the solution for treating back pain and reducing the associated costs? Based on our 20 years of experience treating thousands of patients with back pain, we believe the answer lies clearly with chiropractic care.
A wide variety of research studies like the ones highlighted above show the overwhelming costs of health care today. Aside from these studies, we all feel the pain of escalating health care costs on our monthly living expenses and budgets. The traditional medical health care model has reached a point where it has priced itself out of reality. The majority of people are struggling to keep up with out-of-control health care insurance coverage and health care related expenses or they simply cannot afford health coverage and are doing without it.
It’s clear the time has come to find a better way to approach health and receive affordable health care that enables you to enjoy your life. The answer can be found in routine chiropractic care.
It’s difficult to change and many people are skeptical of chiropractic care. An alternative to traditional medical care that does not involve taking prescription medications is a little hard to swallow for many.
Education, information and interaction will help calm your fears and answer your questions. You have an opportunity each week to obtain the necessary education, receive answers to your questions and interact with the physicians at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness by contacting us.
To contact us , simply call (513) 561-2273 or send us a message here from our website.
Take control of your future health and health care costs. Learn how our chiropractic care will save you and your family money.
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