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Tips for Healthy and Happy Living from Dr. Paul and Dr. Patrick

Tip 5: Healthy & Nutritious Summer Foods That Help Cool You Off

It’s mid-July and the temperatures along with the humidity are soaring. With more of these days on the way, air conditioning isn’t the only way to cool down. There are a variety of healthy and nutritious summer foods that have a “cooling” effect when you eat them.

Here are just a few:



This summer fruit gets overlooked by many people. It’s loaded with antioxidants as well as Vitamins A, C and E. It’s also a great source of fiber to help your digestion. The fruit is full of juice which helps cool down the body.



The old saying “as cool as a cucumber” is true. Cucumbers are almost 95% water. Eating one of these helps to hydrate your body and decrease toxins, both essential for staying cool.

Cucumbers are also a great source of Vitamin B which provides a boost of energy.



Melons are high in water content. This has a cooling effect on your body.

Melons also provide essential Vitamins A and C along with an important mineral, potassium.

The lycopene found in watermelon is a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to reducing certain types of cancers and heart disease. Lycopene is what gives watermelon its red color.



Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. It’s easy to become dehydrated, especially during the summer months.

Drinking the right amount of water and staying hydrated will help you stay cool and full of energy.

More Information About Nutritious Food

To learn more about what foods are healthy and nutritious and what ones are not, read our book, What Did I Just Eat? Surprising Facts About Food.

What Did I Just Eat Book by Dr. Patrick Baker and Dr. Paul Baker


For more useful tips, please visit these links:

Tip 4 – Invest in Your Future by Managing Your Health & Quality of Life Score

Tip 3 – Take at Least One “Time-Out” Every Day

Tip 2 – The Importance of Vitamin D

Tip 1 – Eat a Nutritious Breakfast Everyday


Yours in Health and Wellness,

Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker
Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker

Baker Chiropractic and Wellness



Chiropractic Clinic locations:

Cincinnati, OH – Red Bank Rd.

Fairfield, OH

West Chester, OH

Madeira, OH
