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My Chiropractor Got Me Pregnant!

I had been having neck and back pain for months, perhaps years. I just ignored it or pushed through it because life was too busy. I had also stopped taking care of myself due to the depression and anxiety caused by being unable to have children. We battled infertility for years before fertility treatments finally […]

Our Current Featured Patients are Adam Kasel and His Family


Adam Kasel, his wife and children are perfect examples of how Baker Chiropractic and Wellness can be your family doctors. We provide safe and effective care for Dads, Moms and Children of all ages. Here is Adam and his family’s story: I started seeing Dr. Paul in December 2009 after I had been experiencing chronic […]

Our September 2010 Featured Patient is the entire Locke Family

The Locke’s story is a great example of how chiropractic care can benefit your entire family and why you should look at chiropractic care to resolve ailments such as ear infections before resorting to prescription medications. Read more about the Locke’s story:  September 2010 Featured Patient – The Locke Family