Who is a chiropractor?
A chiropractor is a licensed healthcare specialist concentrating on your body’s healing capability. Chiropractic is a healthcare occupation that cares for your neuromusculoskeletal system—the bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A chiropractor assists in managing back and neck pain through spinal adjustments to keep fine alignment. However, if you are looking for Chiropractor services in […]
Headaches, Migraines and Cyclic Vomiting No Longer Hinder The Lives of This Mom and Daughter
I was plagued by chronic headaches, increasing number of migraines and chronic neck and back pain. The headaches began as a young child and the migraines started about 3 years ago. I was living with the back pain for nearly 15 years. A car accident at the age of 3 began the problems. At its […]
Olivia Went To Many Medical Specialists Looking for Answers for Her Chronic Headaches. Then She Came To Dr. Patrick and Found The Solution
“We started going to Dr. Baker’s office a couple of years ago when Olivia fell on her head and twisted her neck. After having discomfort and headaches, we decided to get her checked out. Of course, she was a mess. She started having episodes that seemed like seizures followed by a headache. We had seen […]