I Feel Like I Was Able To Avoid Surgery By Coming Here for Chiropractic Care
I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness on June 11, 2015 with a very severe case of sciatica, lower back pain on my left side, stiff neck and shoulders and dizziness. My neck and shoulders had been bothering me since December of 2014. My lower back started bothering me in April 2015 and turned into sciatica. […]
I Got Off Zyrtec and Flonase After 3o Years and My Vertigo is 100% Better
I started coming to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness a little more than two years ago. I was experiencing pain with head movement of any kind. I had also been having periods of vertigo over the previous few years. After speaking with my regular doctor about the neck pain and if there was a connection between […]
The Best, Most Effective and Enjoyable Healing Experience I’ve Ever Had
Doctor Paul Baker and his wonderful staff are the best, the most effective, and enjoyable healing experience I’ve ever had. The warmth and friendliness of Dr. Paul and his staff have a wonderful healing effect on the stress and tension you feel when you walk into the office and you’re in pain. The main ailment […]
Our Current Featured Patient is Sharon Thomas
Sharon is a great example of how life doesn’t have to be lived dealing with pain and relying on prescriptions drugs. Sharon is once again living her life on her terms. Here’s Sharon’s story: My name is Sharon Thomas and I have been coming to Dr. Baker since March. Prior to becoming a patient, […]