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Spinal Fusion: 1 of the 4 Surgeries AARP Says to Avoid

Everyone understands that surgery involves risk and the importance of weighing those risks before electing to undergo any type of procedure. A recent article in AARP The Magazine outlines the reasons to avoid four different types of surgeries including surgery for back pain.      The AARP article states: “With spinal fusion, the surgeon places bone grafts […]

Baker Chiropractic Patient Reaches Mountain Top

Our current Featured Patient is Rich Pohana. Rich suffered from a severe pinched nerve in his back causing back pain, psoas pain and calf pain. After undergoing corrective chiropractic care, he was able to go on and complete the “Death Valley” bike ride and hike. Rich rode his bike 148 miles, a ride up 13,403 ft of vertical elevation […]

Football Injury Prevention & Recovery with Our Chiropractic Care

Athletes at all levels of football from youth leagues all the way up to the NFL know the demands this game places on the body. The speed, forces and frequency of contact associated with football during practices and games make some type of injury almost unavoidable. For nearly 20 years, Baker Chiropractic and Wellness has […]

Baker Chiropractic’s Contribution to USA Olympic Teams

  Today marks the start of the Summer Olympic Games. The physicians at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness (Dr. Paul, Dr. Patrick, Dr. Ryan, Dr. Matt and Dr. Eric) have made a significant contribution to the success of the USA Olympic Team.  We are part of a team of doctors who are the Official Chiropractors and Performance Advisors […]

Get a Free Copy of Our Guide to Chiropractic Care

Learn More About Chiropractic Care   Our free Guide to Chiropractic Care is filled with great educational information about our type of health care and how it may provide you with the answers you have been searching for. Here’s an overview of the topics covered in this useful 40- page Guide: Chapter 1:  Background of […]

20,000 New Patients Now Benefiting from the Care Provided at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness

The team of doctors and staff at Baker Chiropractic and Wellness with clinic locations in Cincinnati, Madeira, Fairfield and West Chester have been providing residents of southwest Ohio, eastern Indiana and northern Kentucky with safe and effective chiropractic care for nearly two decades. Today, a significant milestone was reached in this health care provider’s long […]

Baker Chiropractic and Wellness Opens Larger Clinic in West Chester

Veteran physicians and co-founders of Baker Chiropractic and Wellness, Dr. Paul Baker and Dr. Patrick Baker are pleased to announce the opening of a larger clinic in West Chester, Ohio.  This new and expanded facility is conveniently located within the Voice of America Shopping Center in West Chester just south of Voice of America Park. […]