Our November 2010 Featured Patient is the Dickman Family
The Dickman family is our November 2010 Featured Patient. They are a great example of how you should look at chiropractic as your primary care not just alternative care when traditional care doesn’t work. Prescription drugs, antibiotics and surgery are not absolute answers. Baker Chiropractic provides the expert care required to unleash the amazing powers […]
I Finally Found Relief From Over 10 Years of Chronic Sinus Infections and Ear Pain
Early one morning, I sent a message to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness. By 4:00 pm that same afternoon I started on my road to recovery. Over 10 years ago, I began having chronic ear and sinus infections. I have 2 older sisters and they both began having ear infections around the same age. They both […]
See How Our Chiropractic Care Helped This Boy’s Overall Health
One of the many benefits of our chiropractic care is how it addresses and optimizes a person’s overall health (both physical and mental). Kasey is a great example of how and why it works. Here’s this boy’s story: I found out about Baker Chiropractic from another parent on my sons football team. The parent […]
Our November 2010 Featured Patient is the Dickman Family
The Dickman family is our November 2010 Featured Patient. They are a great example of how you should look at chiropractic as your primary care not just alternative care when traditional care doesn’t work. Prescription drugs, antibiotics and surgery are not absolute answers. Baker Chiropractic provides the expert care required to unleash the amazing powers […]