My Chiropractic Care is Essential. It Has Relieved My Pain and Increased My Mobility.
I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness in August with pinched nerves, low back pain, sciatica, neck pain, and fibromyalgia. These problems had been going on for 4 to 5 months and prevented me from doing yoga, exercising and living my everyday life. Prior to coming here, I had been taking over-the-counter medications to treat my […]
Study Finds Chiropractic Care Effective Fibromyalgia Treatment
A new study reports that chiropractic care is an effective fibromyalgia treatment strategy. The study involved 120 people between the ages of 40 and 65 who had suffered with severe fibromyalgia for four years or more. Each person studied rated their pain as a 4 or higher on a pain scale and also had limited movement […]
One Year into a LifeCall Weight Loss and Health Gain Program Has Brought Major Changes for This Woman
Last year at the beginning of November, Betty Higgins embarked on a unique journey with Baker Chiropractic and Wellness to lose weight and gain her health. At 55 years of age, Betty had struggled with her weight for decades. That battle was taking a toll on her overall physical and mental health. She suffered from […]
Our Current Featured Patient is Sharon Thomas
Sharon is a great example of how life doesn’t have to be lived dealing with pain and relying on prescriptions drugs. Sharon is once again living her life on her terms. Here’s Sharon’s story: My name is Sharon Thomas and I have been coming to Dr. Baker since March. Prior to becoming a patient, […]
Want to Reduce Your Health Care Costs? Make Baker Chiropractic Your First Visit
A new study published in the December 2010 issue of Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics finds that care and treatment for low back pain started with a doctor of chiropractic saves 40% on health care costs when compared with care initiated by a medical doctor. “This study is not surprising,” said Drs. Paul and […]
Our November 2010 Featured Patient is the Dickman Family
The Dickman family is our November 2010 Featured Patient. They are a great example of how you should look at chiropractic as your primary care not just alternative care when traditional care doesn’t work. Prescription drugs, antibiotics and surgery are not absolute answers. Baker Chiropractic provides the expert care required to unleash the amazing powers […]
A Priceless Gift This Holiday Season: Pain Relief and Wellness
With the Holidays fast approaching, we are all looking for the perfect gift to give the people we care about most. Here’s a priceless gift idea that will change the life of the person that receives it, the Gift of Pain Relief and a Life of Wellness. Do you know someone that is struggling with […]
Age 40 or Older and Looking for a Healthy, Disease-Free Future? Here’s a Logical Answer
Cells in your body use oxygen as fuel. The cells’ waste product from burning oxygen is known as an oxidant. If not disposed of properly, oxidants can pollute your body and cause damage which can lead to a long list of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, strokes and cancer. Your friend in fighting and […]
Get a FREE Report on Fibromyalgia from Dr. Baker
Baker Chiropractic has been treating patients with fibromyalgia for over 17 years. Within the pages of this FREE report, Dr. Patrick and Dr. Paul Baker explain fibromyalgia, its symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention. Fibromyalgia is an often misunderstood topic and commonly misdiagnosed. Dr. Baker’s Fibromyalgia Report will provide you with useful information and help you […]
Join our Webinar on Pain and Fibromyalgia
The doctors at Baker Chiropractic will be conducting a webinar on Tuesday evening, September 21, 2010 at 8:00 pm (EST). This informative webinar will cover chronic pain and fibromyalgia, its causes and effective solutions to treat and decrease the pain. Attendance is limited, so register now by clicking on the following link: Baker Chiropractic Webinar […]