Chiropractic Care During My Pregnancy is Helping Relieve Pain and Discomfort
I decided to get chiropractic work done because I am on my third pregnancy and had a lot of back pain and hip pain. It was incredibly uncomfortable and my acid reflux was awful. I’ve only been here now about 4 visits, and I am feeling absolutely no back pain or hip pain! My acid […]
I Hadn’t Considered Asking Dr. Baker For Help with Treating GERD. He Helped Me Find Relief for My Hiatal Hernia
While looking up home remedies online for treating GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), a symptom of my hiatal hernia, Baker Chiropractic and Wellness popped up as the first option on the Google search page. I couldn’t believe it! I have been under chiropractic care now for years and had never even considered asking about help with […]