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I Limped in Here with Extreme Right Hip Pain, Now I Can Walk Again!


Thank you Dr. Kelly (Duffner)! You are such a weekly encouragement to me. I remember the day I limped into your office with extreme right hip pain and Kaleb said, “We’re going to help you Merry!” I believe in chiropractic care, but I have to say, I’ve never experienced the level of care that I […]

My Long Term Pain is Gone and I Am Amazed By My Ongoing Progress!


I had extreme low back pain, hip pain and leg pain for well over ten years which greatly limited my normal, day-to-day activities. In my search for help with my pain issues, I would have done just about anything to get relief! My many visits to a local chiropractor and physicians proved futile. I endured various scans, […]

Chiropractic Care Will Improve Your Health Just Like It Has for Me

I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness because I was suffering from extreme pain, stiffness and swelling at the back of my neck, shoulders, upper and lower back and hip on the right side of my body. I was also having severe migraine headaches. All these problems were caused by a series of three car […]

The Excruciating Pain Caused by My Sciatic Nerve is Gone!

Ever since I was in elementary school, I can remember suffering from horrible hip, leg, neck and back pain. My daily activities and sleeping were a challenge due to the pain. Throughout the years I have been seen by several physicians. I was told my hips are not aligned and I suffer from sciatica. Unfortunately, […]

Pain No Longer Steals My Active Lifestyle

My name is Juli Gordon and I’ve been receiving chiropractic care from Dr. Patrick Baker for 5 weeks. What has Dr. Patrick done for me? He has done something no other orthopaedist, chiropractor, spine specialist, massage therapist, physical therapist or medication could do. He has given me back my life. For the past 2 years, […]