I Was In Chronic Pain for 25 Years – Dr. Baker Did What Other Chiropractors Could Not
My name is Janice Martin and I am 62 years young. I lead a healthy lifestyle, eat close to a vegan diet, exercise on a regular basis and look physically fit, yet I have been suffering from neck, back, shoulder and leg pain for over 25 years. Before coming to see Dr. Patrick Baker, the […]
I Now Realize Surgery Wasn’t Necessary for My Pain
I would like to personally thank Dr. Brock Frear for getting me back to normal. I have always had back pain no matter what kind of activity I was doing. My orthopedist said my shoulder pain was caused by muscles pinching in my neck and did a very painful surgery. I now realize that surgery […]
Chiropractic Care Will Improve Your Health Just Like It Has for Me
I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness because I was suffering from extreme pain, stiffness and swelling at the back of my neck, shoulders, upper and lower back and hip on the right side of my body. I was also having severe migraine headaches. All these problems were caused by a series of three car […]
I Have Fully Recovered From My Frozen Shoulder and Have Full Range of Motion with No Pain
I would like to thank Dr. Patrick Baker of Baker Chiropractic and Wellness for his expedient and novel treatment of my frozen shoulder. A frozen shoulder is extremely painful and there is very limited range of motion. This made everyday tasks very difficult and created problems for me at work. I had 2 episodes of […]
I Was Suffering from a Rotator Cuff Problem in My Left Shoulder, Now My Range of Motion is Almost Completely Restored
For some time I have been suffering from a rotator cuff problem with my left shoulder. It finally became so debilitating that I went to orthopedic surgeons who took x-rays and an MRI. One of the surgeons recommended arthroscopic surgery. Instead of doing that, I started physical therapy, which helped a bit, but I still […]
Read This Patient’s Story of Escaping Decades of Chronic Pain from Multiple Injuries
“I had a car accident about 37 years ago. Since then, I have had extreme pain, stiffness and swelling in my neck, shoulders, back, hips, and pelvic areas. I adapted to the pain and began to deal with it on a daily basis. Over those 37 years, I ended up having 2 more vehicle accidents, […]