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I Found The Answer for Years of Stiff Necks, Neck Pain and Headaches


I was bothered by stiff necks and having a lot of trouble with neck pain and headaches. To treat my pain and discomfort I was using ice packs and taking a lot of Advil. The stiffness and pain made it difficult to do everyday activities. I couldn’t even clean my house without having to stop […]

I Feel Like I Was Able To Avoid Surgery By Coming Here for Chiropractic Care


I came to Baker Chiropractic and Wellness on June 11, 2015 with a very severe case of sciatica, lower back pain on my left side, stiff neck and shoulders and dizziness. My neck and shoulders had been bothering me since December of 2014. My lower back started bothering me in April 2015 and turned into sciatica. […]