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Top 5 ways in which your chiropractor can help to relieve shoulder pain

Shoulder pain can be caused by issues within the shoulder joint and the muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding it. Alternatively, shoulder pain may stem from another part of the body. The critical difference between the two is that pain from the joint typically worsens when you move or use your shoulder or arm. Conversely, pain that originates from other structures or organs does not decline with movement. 

This type of pain is referred to as “referred pain.” It is often caused by conditions such as heart disease, abdominal problems like gallstones or pancreatitis, pelvic conditions, a heart attack, a ruptured ovarian cyst, or pericarditis (inflammation of the thin membrane around the heart).

If you are from Cincinnati and are looking for shoulder muscle pain relief in Cincinnati, a good chiropractor can help you find it. 

There are several causes of shoulder pain, including:

  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Bursitis
  • Dislocation
  • Adhesive capsulitis
  • Overuse of the shoulder joint, such as lifting heavy weights, exercise, etc.
  • Arthritis
  • Bone spurs
  • Poor shoulder posture

Are Chiropractors Effective At Treating Shoulder Pain?

The simple answer to the question above is “yes.” Research has shown that chiropractic care is a good treatment for shoulder pain.

In 2011, a review demonstrated the effectiveness of manual and manipulative therapy (MMT) in treating various conditions that affect the shoulder. Different types of shoulder disorders, such as rotator cuff disorders, adhesive capsulitis, soft tissue disorders, and other related conditions, can occur. MMT is performed on the shoulder, the shoulder girdle, and the kinetic chain (FKC). This type of therapy can be combined with exercise or other forms of medication for optimal results.

Another study among patients with frozen shoulder syndrome stated that they experienced improvements in their symptoms after being managed by a novel chiropractic approach.

According to a study that assessed the efficacy of myofascial therapy, chiropractic care was reported to relieve symptoms of chronic shoulder pain. The method used was myofascial therapy (or myofascial release).

How Do Chiropractors Treat Shoulder Pain?

The following are chiropractic methods employed in treating shoulder pain.

  • Myofascial release
  • Stretching
  • Exercise- functional and strengthening exercises
  • Scapular mobilization
  • Manipulation

Myofascial release is a soft tissue technique used in chiropractic care that involves applying sustained pressure into areas of muscle tightness, trigger points, and other restricted areas that can cause pain and limit the range of motion. The pressure is held for several minutes before a stretch is applied to the area to help release the tension. This technique has been shown to relieve pain and stress while effectively increasing joint mobility.

Stretching, as its name implies, means stretching your muscles to reduce pain and tension. Myocardial release and stretching could help chest and arm muscles- pectoralis major, biceps, and upper trapezius.

Exercises focusing on strengthening the shoulder muscles can also effectively treat shoulder pain. Side-lying forward flexion, external rotation, prone extension, and pure horizontal abduction support the middle and lower trapezius and may be strengthened.

Scapular mobilization exercises are designed to strengthen the shoulder girdle muscles, which helps restore normal movement and function. These exercises can also correct dyskinesia, an involuntary twitching or movement of the muscles. 

Manipulation is often the preferred treatment for shoulder pain because it can promote healing and quick recovery. However, scapular mobilization exercises can also help restore scapular thoracic mobility.

How Can I Prevent Shoulder Pain?

Here’s how to prevent shoulder pain:

  • Rest – If you notice shoulder pain during your chores, exercises, or work, rest. Stop wherever you are doing at that time. You may find something else to do that will not stress that shoulder excessively.
  • Warm-up – Warm up before doing any significant exercise. You could start with a walk and later jog. Don’t just start exercising or doing primary training without mild exercises to raise your heart rate, prepare your muscles, and activate the synovial fluid that lubricates your joints.
  • Exercise Gradually – If you have been away from the gym or doing any strenuous activity for a while, do not start wildly and long when you hit the gym again. Start with a few minutes and gradually increase to an hour for cardio. For weight training, begin with smaller weights and increase progressively.
  • Change Your Sleeping Position – If sleeping on a side affects your shoulder and causes pain, try the other side or a convenient position.
  • Practice Strengthening Exercises – These exercises support and stabilize your shoulder joint. They also make your shoulder joint stronger and prevent shoulder dislocation.

All in all 

Finding Shoulder muscle pain relief is crucial for restoring comfort and mobility. From targeted exercises and stretches to proper posture adjustments, a multifaceted approach can significantly alleviate discomfort. Incorporating rest, heat, or ice therapy and seeking professional guidance are critical steps toward managing and preventing shoulder muscle pain. 

Ultimately, by understanding the underlying causes and implementing effective strategies, individuals can embark on a journey toward a more pain-free and mobile shoulder, enabling them to engage more fully in their daily lives.